Crypt TV
Crypt TV
Designing a brand set on creating culture-changing monster stories that bring the world closer together.

/01 Context
- Strategy
- Design
- Branding
Crypt TV, the entertainment company co-founded by Jim Davis and Eli Roth ( Hostel, Inglourious Basterds, The House With a Clock in Its Walls, …) came to us as they were slowly getting to their first million followers on social networks.
For them, it also meant it was time to get to the next level and evolve from their quickly assembled brand design to the culture defining one they were aiming for. Existing somewhere between mainstream and being a subculture underdog, it came only as natural to explore and experiment as far as we could and, finally, find that sweet spot.

/02 Getting started
Finding the right tone
Considering the unique nature of their content, we had to dig pretty deep in order to find the right approach. Following our typical business & branding intake workshop, and the much needed let’s-gather-all-information-we-can-get-about-you phase, we finally got to experiment with a lot of representative and less representative possibilities.

/03 The groundhog day
It's all in the skill
Far enough in the process, it became obvious that Crypt needed a branding embodying their schizophrenic nature. Stuck somewhere between large audience, and niche oriented. Then it came down to figuring out all the remaining details ( which aren’t details ). Kerning, drawing the right “TV”, and finally getting the skull right…which took, well…a while.

/04 There's more
Power to the people
More than just a brand supposed to exist as a watermark on the countless videos created by Crypt TV, the branding should also exist as a real lifestyle brand, opening countless possibilities of outputs.

/05 What's next
A fine line
Crypt TV is also slowly rolling out sub-brandings for some of their newly created franchises, meaning the Crypt TV logo, had to also exist as the mothership of all other brands. A fine line between being strong and sturdy, and being capable of easily encapsulating other identities.