Interactive Art Director

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I n t e r a c t i v e A r t D i r e c t o r

Our team is looking for a great Interactive Art Director to join our team. You will think, design, imagine, and most probably drink local beers while laying down on a lion's pelt.

In a nutshell

You’re a really talented, hardworking, team-playing empathic designer, and on top of that, people always said you are a great human being. How nice of them!

That's a great intro, right? Now let's cut to the chase: we wrote Art Director for a purpose. We're as interested in your UX and UI skills on a daily basis as were are in your capacity to imagine, craft, and defend a compelling and attractive story. We're not only building digital products, but we're also in constant need of designers understanding what it means to create a graphic universe from scratch. You know, having just a logo and a set of colors, and maybe even none of them, and be able to build everything around it in an exciting and compelling way.

Yes, this is why you consider yourself an Art Director with capitals to both first letters but without the E from Ego.

We know you are a true leader, and you will not only be on the frontline to think, design, and follow the crafting of the best digital experiences, but also to act as the good mentor you are.

You know, here at Dogstudio, it is just as much about who you are as a person as it is about what you can achieve with us, because we both know it all comes down to quality-driven work and your capacity to design, present and listen to your clients' feedbacks.

The good part? It can be on any kind of medium, whether it is a website, an app, a branding, or an interface for a connected fridge. You want to craft and grow with us and that’s great because this is all we are looking for. Hoooo boy…(or girl)... we are so going to get along together!

We need

Your updated portfolio and resume goddammit. By the way, and just to be honest with you..we don't care about your cover letter, we already know you're willing to work with us. We care about the result.

Please note: We're really really busy right now and we will only get back to the candidates moving to the next step. Sorry about that !

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Why are you still there? We're waiting for you already.

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