Wanna join the greatest band of misfits around these parts?
We do pretty amazing shit from our offices in Belgium and Chicago, and for the record, we’re being modest you know. Just sayin’, JS. Now, we guess you don’t know where Belgium is, hu?
Caesar was right, Belgians are the bravest and we’re all on a mission to make a difference. For you, for us, for your mom, your neighbours, for the rich, for the poor., for the curious, for the reluctant, for everyone. If you love us, you can strongly recommend us to the people you love, and if you hate us, you can strongly recommend us to the people you hate.
Now, our famous never-seen-on-tv "Seven Reasons Why"
N o w , o u r f a m o u s n e v e r - s e e n - o n - t v “ S e v e n R e a s o n s W h y N o t ”
We like that you tame unicorns at night, we love that you drive for hours listening to country music, we already crave you crazy motherf…WE SAID NO CURSING. We are always looking for new talent and we were expecting you. Time to apply, buddy!
You get to join an amazing band of Pirates with a capital P.
Let me apply now ! -
You get your very own dog name. That’ll remind you of your summer camp days.
Let me apply now ! -
We believe in family-time before anything. We’re not into crazy late-night hours.
Let me apply now ! -
We’re part on-location / part-remote, because life doesn’t always happen where we decide it should.
Let me apply now !
You get paid to make people’s life easier and more exciting. Isn’t that great?
Let me apply now ! -
Independence is everything. We’re adults, right? We’ll treat you like one.
Let me apply now ! -
Female, transgender, male, gay, straight, POC, white, human or alien, however your identities intersect, we welcome your difference here.
Let me apply now !

“ T h e b e s t t h i n g w h i c h h a p p e n e d t o B e l g i u m s i n c e W a f f l e s „ Jean Claude Van Damme

Because we wanted to retain our small-town charm, we chose the lovely neighborhood of Lincoln Park to be our Chicagoan landmark, and we must say that so far, we love every part of it. All it needs now is you, in there.

Who has ever been in Amsterdam can recognize at least two things: 1) It's such an exciting and active city, and 2) watch where you step or you'll crash into a biker. Let's say we couldn't get enough "Bitterballen" and decided to give it a shot.

We love Mexico, how vibrant it is, and how much it seems to align with our values and interest for great people, food, design and art scene. Don't hesitate to drop by even to say hi... we love meeting new people.

Our headquarters are located in Namur, where, a while ago, it all started. You know the extra good news though? It's that twice a week, if you want it, you get to work from Brussels or Liege. Isn’t it cool? First you gotta apply though. JS. Just sayin’.